
Coming back from Frankfurt and London

3:00 AM

I just came back from a wonderful two week trip to Germany and London. Being in Frankfurt during the heat of the World Cup was beyond amazing. I never experienced such camaraderie from an entirety country because a sporting event, it was truly an experience. Staying in London again just confirmed my desires to live there in a few months. The only problem I had was taking the tube (aka subway)which wasn't supplied with a/c, but I got used to it.

However this was the first time I had to travel for two weeks with one piece of large lugguage that had to 50 lbs or less. I knew I was going to be literally living out of a suitcase for two weeks, but I never had this challenge before. This was a real test of packing light and packing smart.

So here are my travel essentials I couldn't be without:

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